Forget / unpair an ELEMNT ACE from the Wahoo app / phone

Forgetting / unpairing an ELEMNT ACE computer from the Wahoo app/your phone is a 3 step process on iOS and a 2 step process on Android


  1. Forget the computer in the Wahoo app for iOS.
  2. Forget the computer in iOS Bluetooth Settings.
  3. Forget the phone on the ELEMNT ACE computer.

1. Forget computer in Wahoo app for iOS

  1. Navigate to the Wahoo app Devices tab.
  2. Select the ELEMNT ACE.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen
  4. Select Unpair ELEMNT.
  5. Select Forget
  6. Force close the Wahoo app.
wa-ace-unpair1-300.png wa-ace-unpair2-300.png wa-devices-pair-300.png

2. Forget phone in iOS Bluetooth settings

  1. Navigate to the iOS Settings app.
  2. Navigate to Bluetooth.
  3. Select the (i) icon next to the ELEMNT computer.
  4. Select Forget This Device.
  5. Select Forget Device.
  6. Repeat this process for any duplicate records in My Devices.
  7. Toggle Bluetooth off for at least 10 seconds, then toggle it back on.
ios-settings-bluetooth-300.png ios-bluetooth-ace-300.png ios-ace-confirmforgetdevice-300.png

3.  Forget phone on the ELEMNT ACE computer

  1. Navigate to the Device settings page (tap the left side button).
  2. Scroll down to Forget Phone (right side buttons).
  3. Select Forget (middle button).
  4. Select Yes (right button) when asked 'Forget Phone?'.
  5. Turn off the ACE, and then turn it back on.

Your ELEMNT ACE is now fully unpaired and disconnected from your phone. You can now pair the ELEMNT ACE to the same or a different phone.

ace-r2r-accessdevicesettings.png ace-devicesettingsscrolldown-a320.png ace-unpair1-a320.png
ace-unpair2.1-a320.png blank300x200.png blank300x200.png



  1. Forget the computer in the ELEMNT app for Android.
  2. Forget the phone on the ELEMNT computer.

1. Forget computer in Wahoo app for Android

  1. Navigate to the Wahoo app Devices tab.
  2. Select the ELEMNT ACE.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen
  4. Select Unpair ELEMNT.
  5. Select Unpair
wa-ace-unpair1-300.png wa-ace-unpair2-300.png wa-devices-pair-300.png

2. Forget phone on the ELEMNT ACE computer

  1. Navigate to the Device Settings page (tap the left side button).
  2. Scroll down to Forget Phone (right side buttons).
  3. Select Forget (middle button).
  4. Select Yes (right button) when asked 'Forget Phone?'.
  5. Turn off the ACE and then turn it back on.

Your ELEMNT ACE is now fully unpaired and disconnected from your phone. You can now pair the ELEMNT ACE to the same or a different phone.

ace-r2r-accessdevicesettings.png ace-devicesettingsscrolldown-a320.png ace-unpair1-a320.png
ace-unpair2.1-a320.png blank300x200.png blank300x200.png



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