Factory spindown KICKR/MOVE/CORE/SNAP [tsg]

Factory spindown

A factory spindown calibration will read and re-register the precise drag values of your unit, allowing the algorithm accurately calculate your power output during use. This process is performed during production to account for very small differences in the manufacturing process and should not be done unless absolutely necessary. 

Performing an factory spindown regularly may result in premature wear on the trainer, as the calibration test produces heavy drag on the trainer's brake unit.


Factory Spindown

  1. Open the Wahoo app for iOS or Android
  2. Open the Devices Tab.
  3. Select the trainer (KICKR, CORE, etc) from the list.
  4. Quickly tap the trainer icon in the center of the screen 10 times or until the popup menu appears.
  5. Select Factory Spindown from the popup menu that appears.
    core-fs-devices-300.png core-fs-sensordetails-300.png core-fs-hiddenmenu-300.png
  6. Follow the instructions on screen--
      1. Warm up for 3 minutes.
      2. Gradually pedal up to 23mph/37kph and stop pedaling when directed.
      3. Allow the trainer to spin down and wait for further direction.
      4. Again, gradually pedal up to 23mph/37kph and stop pedaling when directed.
      5. Allow the trainer to spin down and wait for further direction.
    core-fs-warmup-300.png core-fs-spindown2start.png core-fs-spindown2-stop.png
  7. A success or failure message will appear.
    core-fs-spindownsuccessful-300.png blank300x200.png blank300x200.png

If your concern is unresolved or you have questions, please submit a support request and our support team will be happy to assist you further.

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