Planned Workouts [ELEMNT]

What are planned workouts?

Planned Workouts are structured workouts that are part of a larger training plan that can be imported onto your ELEMNT, BOLT, or ROAM GPS cycling computer. Typically built on training plan sites such as Training Peaks or sourced from our SYSTM app, planned workouts usually involve a set of intervals with power, heart rate, rate of perceived exertion (RPE), or speed targets.  When a workout is loaded, a new page is added to the end of the ELEMNT page stack, with 7 data fields and a graph of the workout's intervals.  The page's location in the stack and the data fields are customizable. 

Depending on the equipment you have (power meter, KICKR smart trainer/bike, etc) these workouts can be done outdoors or indoors (with the ELEMNT controlling the KICKR or KICKR BIKE).


  • An ELEMNT, BOLT, or ROAM computer
  • A planned workout provider*
    • SYSTM
    • TrainingPeaks
    • TrainerRoad
    • Another third party provider
  • the ELEMNT app (to link your planned workout provider and sync individual workouts via Bluetooth)
  • a data connection for your phone (cellular or Wi-Fi, to sync files from the Wahoo Cloud to the ELEMNT app)
  • Bluetooth (to sync a single workout file from the ELEMNT app to your computer)
  • Wi-Fi (to sync multiple days of workouts directly from the Wahoo Cloud to the computer)

* We do offer a short set of 2 fitness tests and 7 workouts with ELEMNT computers, to test out the feature functionality.

    • 20 Minute FTP Test
    • 8 Minute FTP Test
    • 12x1min MAP
    • 2x20min FTP
    • 3 sets 40/20s
    • 5x5min FTP
    • Climbing Session
    • Mixed Session
    • Sprinting Session

Setup - Link your planned workout provider to your Wahoo account

In order to download planned workouts to your ELEMNT (either via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth through the ELEMNT app) you will first need to link your workout provider to your Wahoo account in the ELEMNT app. How that is done will differ by provider.


Ensure you are using the same email address and password for both the SYSTM and ELEMNT apps in the Profile page. See Wahoo SYSTM - Outdoor Structured Workouts for more information.

Training Peaks / TrainerRoad

  1. In the ELEMNT App, navigate to Profile > Authorized/Connected Apps > TrainingPeaks or TrainerRoad.
  2. Enter your username and password for the service. 
  3. Log in.
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Other 3rd party providers

Reach out to your planned workout provider for how to authorize our apps/devices to consume their plans. You will need to use your Wahoo account email and password to link your Wahoo account in their app/web interface, not in any of our apps.

For a list of available app partners for 3rd party structured workouts, see Wahoo App Partners.

Setup - Sync your workouts

via Wi-Fi

When actively in range of a saved Wi-Fi network,

  • A TrainingPeaks free account will sync Today’s workout to your ELEMNT computer
  • A TrainerRoad account will sync Today’s + the next 3 days of workouts
  • All other accounts, including SYSTM and TrainingPeaks paid accounts, will sync Today’s workout + the next 6 days of workouts.

To sync your workouts,

  1. Ensure that you are within range of a viable 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi network.
  2. Ensure your ELEMNT computer (not just your phone) has been connected to that available Wi-Fi network. The computer will show a solid Wi-Fi symbol in the top bar if connected.
  3. Navigate to the Menu page (tap the left side power button).
  4. Scroll to the Planned Workouts line item (using the right side buttons) and Select it (using the middle front button).
  5. Scroll up to the Synced XXX Ago line item and select Sync (using the middle front button).
  6. The line item will change to read SYNCING the name of your planned workout provider(s) and then Synced All. Select Sync again as necessary.
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via the ELEMNT app

When actively connected to the ELEMNT app,

  • Synced workouts can be accessed in the  Workout tab > View Planned Workouts
  • A TrainingPeaks free account will display Today’s workout in the ELEMNT app
  • A TrainerRoad account will display Today’s + the next 3 days of workouts in the ELEMNT app
  • All other accounts, including SYSTM and TrainingPeaks paid accounts, will display Today’s workout + the next 6 days of workouts* in the ELEMNT app. *SYSTM fitness tests can only be accomplished in SYSTM.

To sync your workouts,

  1. Ensure that your phone has an active data connection (cellular or Wi-Fi).
  2. Ensure your ELEMNT computer is paired and connected to the ELEMNT app.
  3. Navigate to the Workout page in the ELEMNT app.
  4. Select Pick a Planned Workout.
  5. Select the desired workout.
  6. Select Select Planned Workout.
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The selected workout will be synced to the ELEMNT and loaded on the Planned Workout page. Only one workout can be synced at a time from the app via Bluetooth.

Load a workout

If a planned workout has already been synced to the computer, it can be accessed at any time from the Menu page (tap the left side power button).

  1. Tap the left side power button.
  2. Scroll to the Planned Workouts line item (using the right side buttons) and Select it (using the middle button).
  3. Scroll to your desired workout line item (using the right side buttons) and Select it.
  4. Tap the left side power button again to return to the normal page stack. The selected workout will be loaded on the Planned Workout page, now live in the page stack.
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Planned Workout Page settings

Planned Workout page settings are accessed in the ELEMNT app > Settings tab > Pages > Planned workouts.

Up to 8 data fields can be added/changed on the Planned Workout page with the workout graph.

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Planned Workout settings

Planned Workout settings are accessed in the ELEMNT app > Settings tab > Ride section > Planned workouts line item.

  • Notifications on other pages
    • A notification bar will appear at the bottom of other pages for approximately 10 seconds before an interval transition.
  • Play sounds for new intervals
    • A tone will be played at an interval transition
  • Use LEDs for Planned Workouts
    • Top LEDs will show the rider’s position relative to the chosen target metric (Power or heart rate).
  • Auto lap on interval
    • A new lap is created with the start of each interval
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During a workout

During a workout, the following changes can be made on the ELEMNT computer:

Scaling a workout

Before or once a workout has started:

  1. From the Planned Workout page, select Plan (left button).
  2. Select 100% (right button).
  3. Use the middle button to toggle between 10s or 1s position and the right side buttons to increase/decrease the workout’s scale by 10% or 1% intervals.
  4. Select Back (left button) to return to the Workout plan details page, and Back again to return to the planned workouts page.
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Pause a workout

Once a workout has started, you can:

Pause the planned workout progress, but not the ride recording:

  1. From the Planned Workout page, select << >> (middle button).
  2. Select Resume (middle button) to resume the planned workout.
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Pause both the ride and the planned workout:

  1. Navigate to another page using the Page (right button).
  2. Select Pause (middle button). 
  3. Select Resume (middle button) to resume both the ride recording and planned workout progress.
  4. Navigate back to the planned workout page using the Page button.
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Skip/replay an interval

  1. From the Planned Workout page, select << >> (middle button).
  2. Select >> (right button) to skip to the start of the next interval or << (left button) to go back to the start of the current or a previous interval.  The planned workout will move to a position with a 3 second lead-in to the interval.
  3. Select Resume (middle button) to resume the planned workout from the adjusted current point.
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View Completed Workouts

Completed workout data (like all other rides recorded on ELEMNT computers) can be viewed in the ELEMNT app > History tab, or in the app/web interface of your planned workout provider, if you have authorized uploads through the ELEMNT app or the third party provider's app/web interface.



Check the following common issues for steps. If unresolved, please open a support ticket.

My scheduled workouts aren’t showing on my ELEMNT or in the ELEMNT app.

  1. Confirm that the workout appears in the ELEMNT app.
  2. Confirm that the workout appears in your workout provider’s workout calendar according to the range synced based on your workout provider type. See Setup - Sync your workouts.
  3. Deauthorize/reauthorize your workout provider in the ELEMNT app or your third party provider’s app/web interface.
  4. Re-sync via Wi-Fi or refresh the Planned Workouts page in the ELEMNT app by pulling downward.
  5. If using TrainingPeaks, ensure that your workout contains blocks created in the TrainingPeaks Workout Builder rather than just target descriptions. [Workout Builder video tutorial]

My power targets don’t seem correct as a % of FTP.

Your workout power targets in workouts synced from third party providers are keyed to your power zones as set in those apps/web interfaces, and may differ from your power zones as set in your Wahoo account. You can edit your Wahoo account power zones in the ELEMNT app > Profile page.


How do I access planned workouts once I have deselected my workout of the day?

You can access your planned workouts via the Menu page of your ELEMNT. Tap the power button on the left side of the computer, then use the right side buttons to scroll down to Planned Workouts.

How do I select which planned workouts are on my ELEMNT, BOLT, or ROAM?

You don't, really.  ELEMNT computers will show today's, or today and the next 3-6 days of planned workouts (depending on the planned workout provider). Syncing your computer via Wi-Fi will update the workout list to today's workout + the available future workouts dependent on provider.)


How many workouts can I sync at one time?

You can sync a single planned workout from the ELEMNT app to your computer via Bluetooth. Your ELEMNT computer must be actively connected to Wi-Fi in order to sync more than a single workout.


Does an ELEMNT need to be connected to Wi-Fi to sync planned workouts?

You can sync a single planned workout from the ELEMNT app to your computer via Bluetooth. Your ELEMNT computer must be actively connected to Wi-Fi in order to sync more than a single workout.


How long will it take to sync my planned workouts to my ELEMNT, BOLT, or ROAM?

Sync time varies depending on the number of created workouts (but typically less a minute).


How do I remove planned workouts from my computer?

ELEMNT computers will show today's, or today and the next 3-6 days of planned workouts (depending on the third party provider). Syncing your computer via Wi-Fi will update the workout list to today's workout + the available future workouts dependent on provider.) To remove a specific workout, you would need to move it out of that window, or remove it from your calendar entirely.

Do I need a paid/Premium Training Peaks account to access planned workouts from Training Peaks?

No, a TrainingPeaks Basic account will sync today’s workout. After the first thirty days of a trial, however, a Premium account TrainingPeaks must be purchased in order to a week of TrainingPeak’s planned workouts.


Can I do a planned workout with a route loaded?

Yes, a route and planned workout can be loaded simultaneously. To ensure you don’t miss a turn, routing notifications will take priority over notifications for planned workout. The ELEMNT companion app will provide the option to limit planned workout notifications to appear only on your computer's planned workout page.

Can I do a planned workout with a Strava Live Segments?

YES, Strava Live Segments can remain enabled during a planned workout. However, the ELEMNT companion app will provide the option to disable Strava Live Segments during your workout.

Can I do a planned workout indoors?

Yes, planned workouts can be completed indoors, with or without your ELEMNT, BOLT, or ROAM controlling your KICKR or another ANT+ FE-C compatible smart trainer.  See Smart trainer control (KICKR, CORE, SNAP, ROLLR, or BIKE) with ELEMNT, BOLT, or ROAM.

Can I do a planned workout without my ELEMNT controlling my KICKR?

Yes, you can set the ELEMNT into Passive mode, so that it will still receive data from the KICKR while not providing ERG mode resistance.


How do I prevent planned workout notifications on other pages?

Toggle off that setting in the ELEMNT app > Settings > Planned workouts.


How do I prevent the LEDs from being activated by a planned workout?

Toggle off that setting in the ELEMNT app > Settings > Planned workouts.


Does the computer track my planned workout's progress/show my position in the workout?

Yes, on the plan graph there is a vertical line with an arrow that denotes your current position in the current interval and the overall workout planned. Completed intervals to the left of your current position will show as solid black.


How do I know I am approaching the beginning of an interval?

Pop-up notifications on the computer screen and the LEDs will provide notice that you are approaching the beginning of an interval. These notifications occur approximately 10 seconds before the start of an interval.

How do I sync completed planned workouts using my ELEMNT computer?

All completed rides are synced to the ELEMNT app/Wahoo Cloud when paired via Bluetooth. They can also be uploaded to the Cloud via Wi-Fi when completed within range of a saved Wi-Fi network. Rides synced to the Wahoo Cloud are automatically uploaded to third party apps you have authorized in the ELEMNT app or linked your Wahoo account to through the third party provider's app or web interface.

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