Digital bell for ELEMNT ACE

The ELEMNT ACE offers a digital bike bell.

Once a ride is started in an outdoor workout profile, tap the middle of the large footer at the bottom of any in-ride page between the front button labels and the front buttons (or double tap anywhere on the basic workout data screen) for a friendly 'ding-ding'.

ace-belltapzone-a400.png ace-devicesettings-sound-a320.png blanktrans400x100.png
  • An outdoor ride (using a workout profile with GPS enabled, ex. NOT Indoor Cycling), must have been started.
  • Muting the speaker in Device Settings will mute the bell. 
  • Changing the speaker volume in Device Settings will NOT change the bell volume. It will remain the same volume, regardless of other alert/beep volume.
  • Single-tap the middle of the footer on any in-ride page (ex. Workout data, Elevation, Map) or double-tap the main workout data page.
    • Because the ACE touch screen supports swipe gesture control in all directions, for the double-tap on the main workout data page to work, it has to be a clean double tap, without any perceived swiping motion.
    • In-ride pages do not include Settings pages (ex Device settings, Sensors, Ride).

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