Different aspects of the ELEMNT ACE computer settings can be adjusted in one of three places
- In the Settings menus on the ELEMNT ACE computer itself
- In the Wahoo app > Devices tab > ACE > Settings
- In the Wahoo app > Devices tab > ACE > Workout Profiles
ACE Settings (on device)
ACE Settings pages consist of three pages in a carousel, accessed by tapping the power button the left side of the unit once, and then swiping left or right (or using the front right Page button to navigate between pages.
- Device Settings
- My Sensors
- Ride
Device Settings (page 1)
- Backlight
- Backlight Mode - Button toggles between (On / Auto / Off / 5 second timeout)
- Backlight Level - Right side panel allows selection of (High / Medium / Low, and double-tapping the current level turns backlight Off)
Display mode
- Light / Dark - button toggle.
Screen lock
- Unlocked / Locked - button toggles to Locked. Use front middle button to unlock)
- Level - Right side panel allows selection of (High / Medium / Low, and double-tapping the current level turns backlight Off)
- On / Off - button toggles tone on/off for Notifications (notification source types controlled in Wahoo app)
Custom Alerts
- On / Off - button toggle
Phone status
- Pair / Forget phone
Device Info
- Opens Device Info sub page, which contains:
- Model number
- Serial number
- Free space available
- User name and ID
- Wi-Fi status
- Firmware version
- ELEMNT version
- Firmware (ROM) version
Check for updates
- Triggers a Wi-Fi connection and checks for new firmware and downloads if available.
Compliance info
- Opens Compliance info page
Factory reset
- Resets computer to factory defaults and deletes all ride data on the computer.My
- Opens Device Info sub page, which contains:
Sensors (page 2)
Add sensor (+)
- Select the (+) button to have the ACE scan for available sensors transmitting data in the area.
- Any sensors that have been paired and are connected will appear here.
Sensor - when selected will open a page that shows:
- Sensor name
- Battery level
- Any functional settings/actions that can be taken with the sensor
- ex. POWRLINK Zero, set crank length, auto-calibration, and manual calibration
- Sensor ID
- Sensor Network (connection type -- BTLE or ANT+)
- Firmware version (if a Wahoo sensor)
Forget sensor
- unpairs sensor from ACE
- Any sensors that have been paired, but are not connected will appear here.
- Sensor - when selected will open a page that shows:
- Sensor name
- Sensor ID
- Sensor Network
Forget sensor
- unpairs sensor from ACE
Ride (page 3)
Offers access to many of the same features on the Ready to Ride dashboard, and remains persistently accessible after a ride has been started.
Workout Profile
Before a ride is started - button opens Workout profile selection page
- Allows for workout profile selection
- Once a ride has been started - button function disabled, but shows current Workout profile selected.
- Workout profiles settings and page profiles are customized in the Wahoo app.
- Button opens Routes page, which contains
- A search button - opens a text search bar that searches route titles loaded on the computer
Route to routing functions
Before a ride is started -
Saved locations
- Select a previously saved location to route to from your current location
Select location on map
- Select a new location on the map to route to from your current location
Saved locations
Once a ride has been started -
Retrace ride
- Turns the current ride track into a route to return to your ride's starting point.
Route to start
- Creates a route with the shortest distance back to your rides starting point.
Retrace ride
Before a ride is started -
- List of all routes associated with your Wahoo account, including routes created from ride history, imported from a GPX/TCX file, or synced from a third party service. Each route has an icon showing if it is a Wahoo route, or the third party service from which it was synced.
Wahoo routes
- you have created from previous rides in the Wahoo app
- you have imported from GPX or TCX files in the Wahoo app
Third party routes
- Routes synced to you Wahoo account from a third party service (Komoot, RideWithGPS, Strava, etc)
- Selecting a route will open a route summary page, that provides
- a Map of the route, with chevrons showing current (default) route direction
- can be selected to expand, zoom in, and navigate around
- Route title
- Date added
- Distance
- Elevation
- Elevation profile
Select route
- selects and loads the route
- reverses the route, allowing it to be selected and loaded reversed
- This is a temporary change for the route to be loaded immediately. It does not change the route's default direction, cue sheet, etc. When closed and reopened, the route will reset to the default direction.
- a Map of the route, with chevrons showing current (default) route direction
- a SYNC button, to trigger a Wi-Fi sync of all routes associated with your Wahoo account.
- Requires that you are within range of a saved Wi-Fi network.
Wahoo routes
- Button opens the planned structured Workouts page, which contains
- any structured workouts that appear in your training plan (as defined below), that are currently synced to the computer.
- A TrainingPeaks free account will sync today’s workout to your ELEMNT computer
- All other accounts, including SYSTM and TrainingPeaks paid accounts, will sync Today’s workout + the next 6 days of workouts.
- a SYNC button, to trigger a Wi-Fi sync of all structured workouts appearing in a training plan linked to your account (as defined above).
- Requires that you are within range of a saved Wi-Fi network.
- any structured workouts that appear in your training plan (as defined below), that are currently synced to the computer.
Summit Segments
- Toggle enables/disables Summit Segments related functions: Summit climbing page, alerts, and map layer.
Activity History
- Button opens the Activity history summary page, which contains
- a directory of completed ride activities including
- Date and time of ride start
- Workout profile under which the ride was completed
- Distance
- Elevation gain
- Moving time
- Selecting an individual ride activity will provide summary details related to:
- Speed data
- Wahoo Wind Dynamics
- Heart rate (including zone) data
- Elevation/climbing data
- Estimated temperature data
- Moving/paused time
- a directory of completed ride activities including
ACE Device Settings (in Wahoo app)
Some ACE device settings that require app interaction to control are accessed in the Wahoo app from the Devices tab > ACE > Settings. These are only accessible when an ACE is actively connected to the Wahoo app.
These include:
- Display
- Wi-Fi
- Navigation (including Map management)
- Notifications
Auto shutdown
- If toggled on, a period of time in which the ACE will shut down if not actively recording a workout or in a paused state can be selected (15 mins, 30 mins, 60 mins, or 120mins).
Display mode
- Toggle display mode between Light, Dark, and Auto mode. Auto mode uses the ambient light sensor to determine optimal display mode.
- Toggle backlight state between Off, Time, On, and Auto. Selecting Time mode will allow you to enter a time value for backlight auto-off. Auto mode uses the ambient light sensor to determine if the backlight is necessary for current lighting conditions.
- Button opens Wi-Fi pairing menus.
- For more details, see Connect an ELEMNT ACE to Wi-Fi.
Always rotate maps
- When toggled on, the map on ACE will always display as rotated such that you are always heading toward the top of the display, as when navigating with a route.
Automatically re-route
- When toggled on, and following a route, you will automatically be re-rerouted back to the loaded route if you go off-route.
Manage maps
- Button opens map management menus.
- For more details, see Add, update, or delete Maps on ELEMNT ACE.
Show messages
- When toggled on, a visual notification of text messages from the native or other compatible messaging apps will be forwarded to ACE.
Show phone calls
- When toggled on, visual notifications of a phone call will be forwarded to ACE.
Show emails
- When toggled on, visual notifications of a and email from the native email app will be forwarded to ACE.
Play sounds for notifications
- When toggled on, a sound will be added to the visual notifications of texts, calls, or emails on ACE.
Do not disturb
- When a notification appear on ACE and the DND button is selected, all enabled notification types will not be forwarded to ACE for the following period of time: Off (no time), 5 mins, 15 mins, 30 mins.
Workout Profile settings
Some settings related to how data is recorded and displayed on the ACE are now stored in workout profiles, including
- Page settings
- Planned workouts
- Summit Segments
- Auto lap
- Auto pause
- Alerts
- Sensors
- include zeroes in cadence
- Zone selection
Page settings
Planned workouts
Alerts on other pages
- Enables alerts for interval changes on other pages
Play sound for new intervals
- Enables sound for interval changes
Auto-lap on interval
- Starts a new lap on each interval change
Summit Segments
Enable Summit Segments
- Enables the Summit Segments feature
Routes only
- Limits segments to only when following a route
Climb Detection
- Selects size of climb necessary to trigger a segment
Automatic page change
- Approaching a segmented climb will trigger a page change to the Summit climbing page.
Alerts on other pages
- Triggers a pop-up panel with climb-related information if on another page during a segmented climb.
Enabled during planned workouts
- Automated page changes and alert will be shown even when following a planned workout. Default is not.
Auto lap
- Enables auto lapping, and setting a trigger for time or distance intervals.
Auto pause
- Enables auto pause.
- Allows access to sound toggles for ride start, pause, resume, stop, and end.
- Provides access to toggle turn-by-turn sound alerts on/off and select the type of turn by turn navigation alerts (Spoken in English [other languages in development]
- Toggles inclusion of zero values into average cadence calculations.
Heart Rate and Power Zone selection
- Selects the heart rate and power zones to be associated with workouts recorded under this profile. Zone settings can be changed in Today > Settings > Heart rate zones or Power zones