Authorize an app partner to sync routes, planned workouts, completed rides, or segments

In order to import routes and structured workout plans and export/share completed rides between the Wahoo app / ELEMNT ACE and third party app partners like Komoot, RideWithGPS, Strava, TrainingPeaks and others, you will need to authorize the connection between your Wahoo account and the app partner account. How this connection is made will differ between app partners.  For complete list of Wahoo app partners, see Wahoo App Partners.

Authorize in the Wahoo app

In the Wahoo app

  1. On the Today tab, select the Settings icon settingsicon.png in the upper right corner.
  2. On the Settings page, select Authorized Apps.
  3. Select the app you wish to authorize.
  4. Enter your credentials / authorize the app.
wa-todaysettingshighlighed-300.png wa-settings-authorizedappshighlighted-300.png wa-authorizedapps-stravahighligted-300.png
wa-authorizestrava-300.png wa-authorizedapps-stravaauthorized-300.png blank300x200.png

Authorize in the partner app / web interface

Other, mostly more newly connected apps / services are connected through the Wahoo Cloud API. To connect these apps / services to your Wahoo account, authorize your Wahoo account in the partner's app or web interface, using the email and password used to log in to the Wahoo app.

Because the authorization process will differ between app partners, we suggest reviewing the app partner's interface, support documentation, and consulting their support team for how best to connect your Wahoo account.

See Wahoo App Partners for a list of app partners with links to their respective sites for information on how to make this connection.


Deauthorize / Reauthorize an app

If a workout is not automatically sharing to a 3rd party app that you have authorized and will not if you attempt to manually re-share, the first step to resolving this should be to deauthorize and reauthorize the app to reset the connection between Wahoo and the app.

For apps authorized in the Wahoo app

Navigate to the app, select the down arrow to the right to expand the section, and then select Deauthorize

wa-authorizedapps-strava-300.png wa-authorizedapps-deauthorizestrava-300.png blank300x200.png

The app should return to the Available apps list, where you can select it and reauthorize it.

wa-authorizedapps-300.png wa-authorizestrava-300.png wa-authorizedapps-stravaauthorized-300.png  

For apps authorized in the partner app / web interface

Because the authorization process will differ between app partners, we suggest reviewing the app partner's interface, support documentation, and consulting their support team for how best to disconnect/reconnect your Wahoo account.


If an app will still not upload a workout after deauthorizing and reauthorizing a third party app, please submit a support request.

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