SRAM RED AXS Bonus button and AXS Wireless Blip computer control [ELEMNT]

SRAM AXS -  ELEMNT computer control 

New SRAM Red shifters with Bonus buttons (2024+) located on top of the hoods and/or AXS Wireless blips integrate with ELEMNT GPS computers to allow for computer button control from the handlebars.

  • A pair of AXS Wireless Blips can be mapped to simulate front ELEMNT computer button controls.
  • Red AXS shifter Bonus buttons can be mapped to simulate all computer button controls.


ELEMNT computers

  • All ELEMNT GPS computers (ELEMNT, BOLT v1, BOLT v2, ROAM v2, ROAM v2, and ACE)

SRAM Drivetrains

  • Red AXS with Bonus buttons
  • AXS Wireless Blips

Feature explanation

RED AXS Bonus Button control

Red AXS Bonus buttons can be mapped to simulate all ELEMNT button controls, except the left side Power / Menu button.

  • Quick press left hood Bonus button to simulate pressing the left front computer button.
  • Quick press right hood Bonus button to simulate pressing the right front computer button.
  • Quick press both hood Bonus buttons simultaneously to simulate pressing the middle front computer button
  • Long press left hood Bonus button to simulate the up (left)  right side computer button.
  • Long press right hood Bonus button to simulate the  down (right) right side computer button.
    r2-blankleftbutton-r300.png r2-blankrightbutton-r300.png r2-blankmiddlebutton-r300.png
    r2-blankrightupperbutton-r300.png r2-blankrightlowerbutton-r300.png blanktrans300x400.png

AXS Wireless Blip control

AXS Wireless Blips can be mapped to simulate front ELEMNT button controls.

  • Quick press left Blip to simulate pressing the left front computer button.
  • Quick press right Blip to simulate pressing the right front computer button.
  • Quick press both Blips simultaneously to simulate pressing the middle front computer button
    r2-blankleftbutton-r300.png r2-blankrightbutton-r300.png r2-blankmiddlebutton-r300.png


Pairing your SRAM AXS drivetrain with your Wahoo ELEMNT Bike Computer

On the ELEMNT computer

  1. Ensure the rear derailleur is awake and near the computer.
  2. Navigate to the Menu page (tap left side button).
  3. Scroll down to Add Sensor (using right side buttons), and select Add (middle button).
  4. While the computer is searching for sensors, select More (right button), then Other, to find the AXS drivetrain you wish to pair. (It will appear as Gear Selection).
  5. Select Save (middle button) once the correct sensor displays.
pair-computer-1-addsensor-r300.png pair-computer-2-addsensormore-r300.png pair-computer-3-addsensorother-r300.png
pair-computer-4-addgearselection-r300.png blanktrans300x400.png blanktrans300x400.png


In the ELEMNT app

(does not apply to ACE)

  1. Ensure your ELEMNT is paired to the ELEMNT app.
  2. Ensure the rear derailleur is awake and near the computer. 
  3. Navigate to the Settings page and then scroll down to and select Set up sensors.
  4. Hold the computer near the rear derailleur.
  5. Select AXS drivetrain you wish to pair (it will appear as Gear Selection) and then confirm the pairing.

pair-app-1-gearselectionfound-300.png pair-app-2-gearselectionsave-300.png pair-app-3-gearselectionconnected-300.png


Mapping your Red AXS Bonus buttons or AXS Wireless Blips

Red AXS Bonus buttons

In the SRAM AXS app, map

  • Left Bonus button Short/Long Press to ANT+ Function 1.
  • Right Bonus button Short/Long Press to ANT+ Function 2.
  • Simultaneous Short Press to ANT+ Function 3

AXS Wireless Blips

In the SRAM AXS app, map

  • Left Blip Short Press to ANT+ Function 1.
  • Right Blip Short Press to ANT+ Function 2.
  • Simultaneous Short Press to ANT+ Function 3.

For more details on this process, see SRAM's article on configuring AXS buttons.

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