The Heart rate and Power zone settings previously found in the Profile tab are now found in the second section of the Settings page.
Heart rate (HR) zone sets
You can now create multiple heart rate zone sets, (allowing for distinct zone sets for cycling, running, and swimming) and assign each set to different Workout profiles. The heart rate zone data can now be auto-calculated from a Threshold Heart Rate (THR) value. The Half Monty fitness assessment in our SYSTM training platform is great way to calculate an accurate THR value.
The Default heart rate zone set will reflect the zone values from the previous version of the Wahoo app. If creating a new account, the default zones set will be auto-calculated from biometric data (age).
You can edit an existing zone set by selecting the Edit button. You can change the zone set name and THR value, auto calculate zone values from that THR value, and individually change the lower threshold value for each zone, which will automatically change the upper threshold value of the zone below. Zone values can be reset to defaults. You must select the Save button in the top right corner to save your changes.
A new zone set can be created by selecting the Add (+) button at the top of the page. All of the edit functions above work in the same way.
Once a second zone set has been created, you can also Assign workout profiles to this zone set. Assigning a workout profile to a zone set will remove that assignment from the Default set. All workout profiles must have an HR zone set associated, so removing a workout profile assignment from a second zone set will re-assign it to the Default zone set, which cannot be deleted.
You must select the Done button at the bottom right corner of the page to save your changes.
Power zone sets
You can now create multiple power zone sets, (allowing for distinct zone sets for cycling and running) and assign each set to different Workout profiles.
The Default power zone set will reflect the zone values from the previous version of the Wahoo app. If creating a new account, the default zone set will be auto-calculated from a default FTP value of 200. The Full Frontal or Half Monty fitness assessment in our SYSTM training platform is great way to calculate an accurate FTP value.
You can edit an existing zone set by selecting the Edit button. You can change the zone set name, number of zones in the set, and FTP value, auto calculate zone values from that FTP value, and individually change the lower threshold value for each zone, which will automatically change the upper threshold value of the zone below. Zone values can be reset to defaults. You must select the Save button in the top right corner to save your changes.
A new zone set can be created by selecting the Add (+) button at the top of the page. All of the edit functions above work in the same way.
Once a second zone set has been created, you can also Assign workout profiles to this zone set. Assigning a workout profile to a zone set will remove that assignment from the Default set. All workout profiles must have a power zone set associated, so removing a workout profile assignment from a second zone set will re-assign it to the Default zone set, which cannot be deleted.
You must select the Done button at the bottom right corner of the page to save your changes.